According to CBS, they're biggest concern is that Letterman's comment will bring down his ratings, just when he is beginning to soar in popularity. Stephanie Birkitt, one of Letterman's assistants, is one of the women he reportedly had an affair with. However, Robert Joel Halderman, who shares a residence with Ms. Birkitt, recently pleaded not guilty to larceny after threatening to expose Letterman. In any case, CBS executives will continue to support Letterman unless he causes to do something drastic. As fas as CBS is concerned, none of the women were underage, nor did they feel threatened by Letterman.
According to a source, Letterman wanted to go right to authorities because he appeared to be worried. According to a spokesman from Letterman's production company, Worldwide Pants, "Dave is not in violation of our policy and no one has ever raised a complaint against him." He also added that the policy "does not prohibit relationships within the company- only that they cannot be tied to an employee's performance."
But you have to wonder: how do his fans feel about this scandal? Honestly, in my opinion, it's Letterman's issue. The only reason why his personal information is out in the limelight is because he's a celebrity. If it was just an average person, obviously, that person wouldnt have any publicity. As long as he didn't break any contracts or policies, I don't think its that big of an issue...unless you're a die hard fan of him and his talk show. And I think that Robert Thompson, a professor of popular culture at Syracuse University, sums it up: "His core viewers are not the kind that are going to say, 'He did what? I'm never going to watch again.' He was not the host of a Disney Channel talk show."