The healthy school lunch craze has gotten even crazier! According to the Daily Mail, parents of students at St. John's Church of England School in London, are now able to monitor and see what their children ate for lunch by accessing an online site. This is how it works: the kids are given an ID card to swipe each time they purchase lunch, which then sends the info to the selected site. Its that easy. "Parents can log on to the site and can see of a child picked ice cream instead of yogurt."
I'm all for getting kids to make better food choices, but I think this has gone a little too far. There's nothing wrong with having a snack once in a while such as ice cream, as long as you dont have it everyday. I think parents and administrators of schools are getting a little out of control with this. It's important to teach kids how to eat and whats healthy, but you also don't want to send them the wrong message by saying you can never have a snack that you enjoy.